NewCalfDay4NEWBIE:  Hi There!  That's not my real name (I hope), but I haven't been officially given one yet, and - because on day four I am literally growing to like it here - I wanted to join the Green Pastures Farm Story ... and to give you MY side of today's episode of that story before someone else gives you the wrong impression about me!

You see, I was sleeping VERY soundly today in the long grass of South Slope, oblivious to the fact of a search and rescue mission being underway, looking for yours truly - everywhere except, of course, where I was!

It turns out Fran and Collin were about to give up, after I'd been missing for several hours, thinking I must have come to some sort of sticky end, when I raised my head just enough to be spotted ... and hurriedly reunited to a quite concerned mother (although I might say if she hadn't been so intent on eating everything in front of her face, she might not have lost track of me in the first place!)MilkBarMichaelaSheep Invasion

So soundly did I sleep for so long, that I didn't even notice the bleating that accompanied an invasion of our paddock first thing thismorning. Yes, around 50 sheep climbed through the fence from next door. Collin eventually rounded them up cowboy style on his quad bike and sent them back to whence they came, but not before they had breakfast on the grass intended as lunch for my Mum Michaela and her cronies - that's my Aunties Hazel and Shelly, together with the steers that always seem to follow them around. 

I won't count my cousins among the diners because, like me as you see, they still much prefer the mobile milk bar to eating off the floor! Yuk!  Better go ... Mum's calling!