Green Pastures Square Meater Stud Farm

The Southern Highlands Home of Square Meater Cattle

MichaelaPortraitRED2RED2RED3MICHAELA: Hello again. It's back to my turn for an update on all things GPF, where visitors as well as us residents stand to be poked with something red hot!Pokers

That's red hot pokers I'm talking about ... of the hoticultural variety, of course, not the torture chamber type ... and they certainly look impressive this year, marching along our front farm fence.

But, if you want to see something really impressive, take a look at my calf!

The-TwoOfUsYou have to admit, that's really SOMEthing.  Growing with leaps and bounds - literally, the three cousins spending their days running and jumping ... drinking and then sleeping, all in roughly equal proportions! 

But, as you see, we're enjoying plentiful feed, sun and shade.

With lots of (welcome) rain lately, you really couldn't want a better place - man or beast!HHDam







We'll soon be taking orders for our next meat deliveries.

Those who bought any of our meat packs last time around will be advised directly of what will be available and dates for pick-up or delivery.

New customers are welcome! Information on meat pack options will be forwarded on request to

As last time, all processing will be closely supervised in line with our view that animals we breed for food need to be treated with respect, and subject to minimal stress.

Certainly, the latest steers being grown for our family, friends and neighbours have been enjoying a relaxed lifestyle, with plenty of sunshine, feed and water aplenty.